by Bob Gass | Jan 31, 2023 | The Word for Today
Wise people never make important decisions when they are in a tense emotional state. When Elijah found out that Queen Jezebel was after him, he was ready to give up his role as a prophet and die. So, God gave him forty days of rest, prayer, and recovery, before he...
by Bob Gass | Jan 30, 2023 | The Word for Today
It’s difficult to confront a friend when there is a problem. It’s easier to stay superficial, to demonise one another when you don’t agree, or to cut ties with someone at the first sign of trouble. But the Bible says, ‘One who gives a right answer kisses the lips.’...
by Bob Gass | Jan 29, 2023 | The Word for Today
A trucker who always took his dog on his road trips had stopped for a break and was throwing a ball around when something caught the dog’s eye, and he shot into the bush. When the dog didn’t return, the trucker searched frantically, without success. He alerted other...
by Bob Gass | Jan 28, 2023 | The Word for Today
Develop the habit of starting each day with God. When you do, you will have a source of strength to draw on all day long. Psychologists say it takes up to three weeks to become familiar with a new habit, and another three before it takes root. That means you need to...
by Bob Gass | Jan 27, 2023 | The Word for Today
Trusting in Christ’s soon return and our ultimate victory is what will sustain us in these days of disillusionment with some of our national leaders, the devaluing of our money, and the devastation of wars being fought on various continents at the same time. And don’t...