UCB In the Americas

Our Mission is simple; to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ thoughout the America's using all media platforms.
About UCB In the Americas

UCB has developed strong relations in the last two years with radio affiliates in North and South America. Historically UCB concentrated on Commonwealth countries but now UCB’s mission and goals have been warmly welcomed in the Americas. Being affiliated with a family of media ministries that are relational and provide a fresh approach to programming has been welcomed by many American small and medium market stations.

Currently our activities in the Americas have been strongly based around hub activities in Canada, the USA and Brazil. While the US has a strong head start on Christian media, the work coming out of theDove in radio and television is seen as unique in the US landscape.

UCB Canada has now birthed new initiatives from Belleville in Ontario since its establishment in 2002. Many people are surprised to learn that Christian radio as a legal format is less than 15 years old in Canada. In Brazil, the devotional The Word For You Today has been translated into Portuguese as A Palavra para Hoje and media distribution via radio and television alongside the printed publications have been part of its success.

This region is physically huge and culturally diverse so UCB is delighted to chat with any media ministries looking for family, help or fellowship.

If you’re interested in finding out more about UCB and what we are doing in North or South America please contact us.

Perry Atkinson
Regional Director for the Americas

Perry Atkinson

Regional Director for the Americas