God Wants You To Succeed (1)

Some people think that God’s sole purpose is to save their soul, help them become as morally upright and as spiritually mature as possible, and one day take them to Heaven to live with Him. And in a sense that’s true. But here’s what isn’t true—that God is not...

Change Your Attitude!

We can learn a lot about the importance of a good attitude by looking at the children of Israel. It’s estimated that about 1.5 million Israelites came out of Egypt. God delivered them from slavery and led them to the Promised Land. The trip should have taken about...

Keep Building Up Your Faith

We usually think of faith in terms of getting answers to our prayers and receiving from God the things that He alone can provide. And that’s ok. But there’s a more important reason for building up your faith. Faith is about pleasing God! ‘Without faith it is...

You Can’t Always Trust Your Feelings

We all know well-intentioned people who, when they agree to do something you ask, are unlikely to follow through. As nice as they are, they’re unreliable. Your feelings are like that; much of the time you can’t count on them because they’re not attuned to what’s best...

Try To Have Realistic Expectations

Striving to do better is a good thing, but try to have realistic expectations. Everything in life isn’t black or white; there are grey areas and some ‘in-betweens’. Everything can’t be perfect all the time, and everything isn’t horrible all the time. Deciding to skip...