Be Careful Who You Listen To

What are the people in your life telling you? Are they increasing your self-doubt or strengthening your faith? Just because people tell you something doesn’t make it so. In 1492 many of the people Columbus tried to interest in his venture thought the earth was flat....

Love What You Do

You will know that your job is your ‘calling’ when you do what you love, and love what you do. Philanthropist and industrialist Andrew Carnegie said: ‘The average person puts only 25 per cent of their energy and ability into their work. The world takes off its hat to...

Always Carry A Book With You

What you read and study is what you become. When you carry the right books with you, you maintain a continuous flow of truth and information into your heart and mind. (1) Reading discourages unproductive conversation. You should always be ready to share your faith and...

Learn To Think ‘Right’

Your mind can work for you or against you. When it works for you, it helps you to stay positive, reach your goals, and enjoy each day. But when it works against you, it can make you negative and discouraged, hold you back, and cause you to think thoughts that result...

Laugh More!

God created every human emotion you feel. He designed you to cry when you are sad and laugh when you are happy: ‘For everything there is a season… A time to cry and a time to laugh.’ (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 NLT) Jesus said, ‘These things have I spoken unto you, that My...