You Are Gifted By God (1)

The Bible says, ‘There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.’ (1 Corinthians 12:4 NKJV) The word ‘gifts’ comes from the Greek word ‘charis’, which literally means grace. That means you cannot earn, qualify for, work for, or deserve a spiritual gift. The Holy...

Temptation (2)

God’s plan for turning temptation into triumph is not to ‘endure’ temptation, but to ‘escape’ temptation. That calls for two things: (1) Don’t get into a tempting situation. Too many people are like the little boy sitting under the farmer’s apple tree. When the farmer...

Temptation (1)

Is there a particular temptation that’s constantly meeting and beating you at every turn? God has made a way for you to turn temptation into triumph. Satan is called ‘the tempter’, and he knows which temptations you succumb to most easily. But Paul writes: ‘No...

Keep Persevering And You’ll Win

Prize fighter James Corbett was once asked: ‘What’s the most important thing for a man to do to become a champion?’ He replied, ‘Fight one more round.’ Successful people have different talents, but they all have these qualities: perseverance, tenacity, and...

You Can Begin Your Life Over Again

It was a long hard road that took the Chandler family out of the cotton fields and out of poverty in Mississippi. All nine children have memories of the sharecroppers’ cabin and having nothing to wear or to eat. But today, all nine are college graduates! Here’s their...