God Connects The Dots

One day a businessman called his wife to say that he was bringing a foreign visitor home for dinner. His wife had three children in school and one toddler at home, so she had a full workload. But she consented, and the meal she prepared was both delicious and...

Take The High Road

Paul and Barnabas had travelled and ministered together, encouraged one other, endured persecution side-by-side, and won many to Christ. But even the best of relationships can go awry, and they were no exception. ‘Their disagreement was so sharp that they separated.’...

Telling It Like It Is

Jon Walker says, ‘It’s hard to… confront… it’s easier to stay superficial… to demonise one another when we don’t agree.. .and to cut and run at the first sign of trouble… But the Bible says, “An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship,” (Proverbs 24:26 NLT); it...

How’s Your Spiritual Appetite? (3)

Thank God for skilled doctors who know how to diagnose illnesses and prescribe medications that bring health and healing. But here’s something for you to think about: what if many of our stress-related illnesses could be helped with meditation as well as medication?...

How’s Your Spiritual Appetite? (2)

Prolonged starvation can have a profound effect on your health. You lose your ability to think clearly. Your vision gets blurry. Your strength wanes, and you stop being productive. Guess what? It’s the same with your spiritual life. Jesus said, ‘Man shall not live on...