Overcoming Your Insecurity (2)

If your sense of well-being comes from any source other than God—including yourself—chances are you will always struggle with insecurity. That’s why Paul wrote: ‘God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left...

Overcoming Your Insecurity (1)

Insecurity can sideline you. When you feel like you’re unqualified and unworthy of success, self-doubt can make you act in ways that sabotage your chances to be successful. The truth is, it’s impossible to live for long on a level that’s inconsistent with how you see...

Does Your Love Have Staying Power?

When we watch celebrities move through multiple marriages and hop from one relationship to another, it reminds us that you can have charisma without character, talent without trustworthiness, and skill without staying power. A cartoon in a magazine showed a couple...

You Must Hear From God For Yourself

In the New Testament, God emphasised different things to each of the seven churches in Revelation. Why? Because they each had a different assignment and faced different challenges. It’s wise to read good books and listen to good mentors and teachers, but don’t assume...

Understanding Satan’s Schemes

One of Satan’s favourite schemes is getting us to use legitimate things in an illegitimate way. During the wilderness temptation, he tried to take advantage of Christ’s hunger by saying, ‘Tell these stones to become bread.’ (Matthew 4:3 NIV) But Jesus knew the...