There Is No Turning Back

A little boy in Sunday school heard the story of how Lot’s wife looked back towards Sodom and turned into a pillar of salt (see Genesis 19:26). ‘That’s nothing,’ he said. ‘Last week when my mother was driving down the street, she looked back—and turned into a...

Don’t ‘Fly Off The Handle’

When people lose their temper, one of the most common expressions used to describe their reaction is ‘flying off the handle’. The phrase refers to the head of a hammer coming loose from the handle as you attempt to use it. And several not-so-good things happen as a...

The Story Of Cyprian

Cyprian, a wealthy noble who lived during the third century, enjoyed galloping about Carthage in his gold and bejewelled chariot. He wore fancy clothes studded with diamonds and precious stones and lived a debauched life. In a letter to one of the Christian...

Be Gentle (4)

When someone corrects you, be teachable and not unreachable. ‘Let every man be quick to listen but slow to use his tongue, and slow to lose his temper.’ (James 1:19 PHPS) If you do the first two things, the third one naturally falls into place. If you are quick to...

Be Gentle (3)

When someone disagrees with you, be tender without surrender. You will never be able to please everyone. You will always meet people who like to argue and quarrel. Some people will contradict everything you say. How should you respond to them? One of the tests of...