To Succeed, You Must Study God’s Word

The key to Bible study is to do it daily, systematically, and prayerfully. The psalmist prayed, ‘Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.’ This involves three things: (1) God will show you the truth about Himself. You will discover His nature, His...

Where There Is Strife, Sow Seeds Of Peace

When a well-known pastor was asked by a sceptic, ‘Do you believe there is such a thing as a real devil?’ he smiled and replied, ‘Have you ever been to an annual church business meeting?’ Seriously, if you have been a church member for any length of time, you know that...

Don’t Exaggerate

King Solomon wrote: ‘Everything I say is right, for I speak the truth and detest every kind of deception. My advice is wholesome. There is nothing devious or crooked in it. My words are plain to anyone with understanding.’ (Proverbs 8:6–9 NLT) We usually embellish the...

Making Jesus Look Good, On The Job

Do the people you work with know that you are a follower of Christ? What do they think of your attitude towards those in authority? How about the people who work under you—are you critical or complimentary towards them? How is your timekeeping? Do you arrive to work...

Remember To Say ‘I Love You’

Hoping to save their relationship, a woman dragged her husband to see a counsellor. During their session, the counsellor asked him, ‘Do you tell your wife you love her?’ The man growled, ‘I told her when we got married I loved her—and that if I ever changed my mind,...