Understanding God’s Love For You

Question: since we’re naturally drawn to people who love us, why is it so difficult for us to go to God in prayer? Answer: because we need a fresh revelation of His love for us! Paul prayed that the Ephesian church would ‘be able to understand how wide, long, high and...

A Love For God’s Word

The Psalmist highlights two important things Bible reading does for you: (1) It shows you your spiritual condition. In Bible times there were no paved roads, so when guests entered a house, they paused to wash the sand, dirt, and grime from their feet. That’s what...

What Does It Mean To Meditate?

Another word for meditation is rumination. Rumination is what a cow is doing when she chews her cud. The cow eats grass, chews all she can, and then swallows it. It sits in one of her stomachs for a while, and then a little later, she burps it up—with renewed flavour....

Think Right, Live Right

William James said, ‘You’re not what you think you are, but what you think—you are.’ Lasting change always begins with new thinking. How do you become a Christian? By repenting of your sin and placing your trust in Christ. The Greek word for repentance is metanoia,...

How God Changes Us (2)

Another way God changes us is through circumstances. Problems, pressures, sorrows, hardships, and stress always get our attention. C.S. Lewis said, ‘Pain insists on being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures… but shouts to us in our pain.’ The J.B....