Your heavenly Father created the world—and you are made in His image. That means you are wired to think creatively. God finished His creative work in six days, then our work began. God said, in essence, ‘I’ve provided you with all the resources and talents you need to have an abundant life. Now do something good with it.’ The sheep He made give wool, from which we create beautiful fabrics in differing colours for warm outfits to protect us in cold weather. God didn’t make cheese; He made cows that give milk so that we can create dairy products from it.
The Bible describes the beginning of all things in these words: ‘Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply.”’ The word ‘multiply’ means that God wants you to end up with more than you started out with. But to do that you must begin to think creatively!
Instead of simply accepting what is, you need to take what is and make something more out of it. When you do that, you’re following in your heavenly Father’s footsteps. Sometimes churches pour cold water on any thought or activity that isn’t religious, saying it’s ‘worldly’ and therefore God is not pleased with it. That’s like saying God only works within the four walls of a church. No, ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.’ (Psalm 24:1 NIV) Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you do in life, God wants you to put your creativity to work so that you can glorify Him and bless others.