The Word for Today - Today's Reading:

What concerns you concerns God

A trucker who always took his dog on his road trips had stopped for a break and was throwing a ball around when something caught the dog’s eye, and he shot into the bush. When the dog didn’t return, the trucker searched frantically, without success. He alerted other truckers at the truck stop, and they searched until dark. They eventually left and told the trucker they would pray for him. The trucker doubted God was listening or particularly concerned about his dog, as he had been praying and searching for hours to no avail.

He posted about his dilemma on Facebook before getting back on the road, distressed that it would be weeks before he was assigned to return. On his next break, he checked Facebook, and it was filled with comments saying: “We’re praying for you.” “Hang in there.” “Trust God.” It was such a comfort to him that someone besides him was worried about his dog. As if that wasn’t enough, his company assigned him a return trip the next day! Could prayer be working?

On his way back, he stopped in the same spot his dog had gone missing and started searching for him again. This time, he prayed with confidence. After searching for hours, to no avail, he returned to his truck disillusioned, only to find his dog sitting next to his truck waiting for him!

The Bible says, ‘Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.’ (1 Peter 5:7 NLT)

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When it doesn’t feel like Christmas

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God is enough!

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Who advises you? (1)

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