God is still on the throne (1)

September 12, 2022

‘The Lord sits on His throne in Heaven.’ Psalm 11:4 NCV

The psalmist asked, ‘When the foundations for good collapse, what can good people do?’ (Psalm 11:3 NCV) Then he goes on to answer his own question: ‘The Lord sits on His throne in Heaven.’ When sickness comes, when your marriage fails, when your children suffer, when death strikes, what are you to do? Remember that God is still on the throne, and He is watching over you. No detail escapes His notice or care. He works according to a plan, and it’s not usually a plan we can understand when we’re going through hard times. Only in looking back do we realise that His goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives (see Psalm 23:6).

Joseph landed in prison. Moses spent forty years in the desert. Daniel ended up in exile. These were dismal moments. Who could possibly have seen any good in them? Who could have known that Joseph the prisoner was only a single promotion away from becoming Joseph the prime minister? Who would have thought God was providing Moses forty years of wilderness training in the same desert through which he would lead the people? Who would have imagined that Daniel the captive would soon become the king’s counsellor?

God carries out His plans like that. He did it for Joseph, Moses, and Daniel—and He will do the same for you—so trust Him. He will give you the grace you need to get through this situation. When you ask, ‘God, where are you?’ He answers, ‘Wherever you go, I will watch over you… I won't leave you—I will do all I have promised.’ (Genesis 28:15 CEV)

SoulFood: Ezek 22–23 Mark 12:1–12 Ps 78:9–16 Pro 20:11–14

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2020

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