
January 27, 2020

‘Create in me a pure heart, O God.’ Psalm 51:10 NIV

Samson went too far. He wound up with his eyes gouged out, mocked by his captors in a Philistine dungeon. Why? Because of two unguarded areas: pride and sex.

David also struggled against temptation. In a moment of weakness he fell prey to lust and paid dearly. But he didn't die in prison like Samson. Instead he died as ‘a man after God's own heart.’ What made the difference?


In brokenness and humility David called on the Lord and found mercy and grace to get back up. Stop and ask yourself, ‘Am I living a secret life that only God and I know about? Have I allowed myself to become so addicted to my sin that I fear there’s no possibility of turning back?’

It’s never too late to start doing what’s right. You cannot sink so deep that Christ is unable to lift you. Repentance is the place to start. Repentance means turning from your sin, confessing your failure and acknowledging your inability to change on your own. It means asking for God’s strength. Stop rationalising what you’re doing; you’re only fooling yourself. You may have kept it a secret so far, but ultimately you’ll be found out. Don’t go another day without falling on your knees before God and praying, ‘Cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God.’ (Psalm 51:2;10 NIV)

Did you pray that prayer? If so, reach for those who can strengthen and encourage you. Don’t try to battle it alone; you won’t succeed. Then what? Get back in the race and run like never before!

SoulFood: Isa 8–11, Matt 10:11–20, Ps 104:1–23, Pro 3:9–10

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2020

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